A world without trees the points are nature gift we take for granted, how they help us , how we have mindlessly destroyed them,what we can to save trees an article on 100-150
Nature is the real gift to mankind. We always talk about buying products and goods.
Exchange gifts on festivals and live happily talking about how well developed our world is.
Not once do we think that we are misusing Mother Nature. We are happily cutting down trees for making furniture, decorative items, and other products.
The forests are being chopped to make urban land for human use.
But, all this has led to our own decline. Global warming and climate change are a hard reality that mankind faces.
We need to rebuild forests, plant more trees, use less fossil fuel and say no to plastic items.
Save trees save earth save to the animals
Trees are the backbone of all ecosystems on which the mankind and other living and non-living being rely. Trees help in maintaining the ecological balance of the earth by emission of Oxygen, absorption of Carbon dioxide.
Most important benefits of trees are:
It helps the environment to provide an enormous amount of oxygen and reduce the toxic carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide and pollutants by absorbing.
Helps in improving water quality.
Prevent Soil Erosion.
Leaving the above-mentioned reasons aside, the presence of trees in our society is important to our life in general. Trees are to be saved as they provide us with shelter, they are the source of a lot of medicine we consume, we use them in creating and shaping our tools and they also contribute their quota in the reduction of pollution.
Neo reaper(muffin)::