(A)You are Shubha/Krushna Mohanty, residing in
Subhadra Apartments, Bhuvneshwar, Orissa. You
have observed, with increasing concern, that
garbage collection continues to be done without
segregation in your neighbourhood. Write a letter
to the editor of The Real Times, Bhuvneshwar, in
about 120- 150 words, explaining your concern
along with the rationale behind the importance of
garbage segregation. Suggest ways in which the
R.W.A s can participate in this program.
22 August 2018
The Principal
Englishfor2day Online School and College.
Subject: Prayer for the change of elective subject.
Dear Sir,
I have the honour to state that I am student of class XI of science group in your college. I took up physics and Mathematics as my elective subject at the time of my admission. I hoped that I would obtain high marks in Mathematics. But now Mathematics seems very difficult to me. Moreover, I find no interest in Mathematics though I enjoy reading Biology. So, I would like to take up Biology instead of Mathematics. I have also taken such a decision consulting my teachers.
I would, therefore, request you to give me an opportunity to change my elective subject so that I can go on with my studies without any interruption.
Yours sincerely -
Sujon Ahmed
Class : XI
Group : Science
Roll : 191