English, asked by danish6859, 1 year ago

A2) Verbal to Non-verbal :
The atmosphere is subdivided into five concentric layers, called spheres, which
temperature, density and thickness and are separated by boundaries called pauses. The tropospheres
the layer of the atmosphere that is closest to the ground, where life is formed, aeroplanes
meteorological phenomena take place. It is followed by the stratosphere, in which the ozone present
absorbs ultraviolet rays and the harmful radiations of the sun, the mesosphere. The mesosphere burns
up most meteors and asteroids before they are able to reach the earth's surface. The thermosphere is
where the aurora borealis takes place and The International Space Station and the space shuttle orbit the
earth in the thermosphere layer of earth's atmosphere. Although the exosphere is the most distance layer
of earth's atmosphere it is the layer that is the planet's first line of defence against the sun's rays. It is also
the first layer to come into contact and protect the earth from meteors, asteroids, and cosmic rays. The
exosphere is perfect for placing satellites as there is very little friction and they are able to orbit fairly
easily without being disrupted.​


Answered by rampariarushi


what you want dear plz right question


mark me brainliest plz

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