Hindi, asked by sharma64583, 9 months ago

आश्रित उपवाक्य का भेद बताइए- आपका वह लाडला कहां है जो कल छत से गिर पड़ा *
संज्ञा उपवाक्य
कोई नहीं
क्रिया विशेषण उपवाक्य
विशेषण उपवाक्य


Answered by mauryavikas63066


I am going to give your answer


In a series of complicated negotiations, ex-Chancellor Franz von Papen, backed by prominent German businessmen and the conservative German National People's Party (DNVP), convinced Hindenburg to appoint Hitler as chancellor, with the understanding that von Papen as vice-chancellor and other non-Nazis in key government ...

hope it's help you

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