Biology, asked by nice76, 11 months ago

about national park and sanatuaries


Answered by Bhoomicharu
Hey guys...✌✌

Wildlife Sanctuary

A wildlife sanctuary is a declared protected area, where very limited human activity is allowed. The ownership of this type of protected are could lie in the hands of either a government or in any private organization or person, provided the regulations are governed by the government. Inside a wildlife sanctuary, the hunting of animals is completely prohibited. The trees can not be cut down for any purpose; especially the clearing of the forest for agriculture is completely banned.

National Park

National park was first introduced in 1969, by the IUCN as a mean of a protected area with a definition. A national park has a defined boundary, through which no person can get into the park without an approval. The visitors can only observe the park inside a vehicle that routes through defined trails and they can not get out the vehicle for any reason unless there is an approved place for visitors. Photographs are allowed but research and educational work can only be done with a prior permission.


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