About useful bacteria
Helpful bacteria: E. Coli are found in the intestines of humans and aid in digestion. Streptomyces is used in making antibiotics. Rhizobium are helpful bacteria found in the soil.
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Good bacteria or beneficial bacteria or useful bacteria are usually referred to as probiotics and are similar to the bacteria found in the human body. Probiotics are known to be beneficial to human health and in treating certain medical conditions.
About 1 of good bacteria:-
•It is a bacteria found in the soil which supplies ammonia to the plants, which is crucial for the growth of the plants.
•Ammonia is an incredible nutrient source for the plants, but the amount of ammonia present in the atmosphere is not enough for the survival of the bacteria.
•On the contrary, oxygen and nitrogen are present abundantly in the atmosphere. Hence the bacteria named rhizobium to fulfil the nutrient requirement of plants by utilizing atmospheric oxygen to convert nitrogen into ammonia and the process is referred to as nitrogen fixation, thus enabling proper growth of the plants.
•Hence microbes that belong to the class of Rhizobium are often referred to as nitrogen-fixing bacteria.