abstract noun of infant,mother, priest,friend,man,owner,agent,boy,captain,thief,rogue,hero,bond,rascal,women,regent,beggar,pirate,patriot,bankrupt,author,coward,pilgrim,glutton
Noun Abstract Noun
Infant infancy
mother motherhood
Priest priesthood
friend, friendship
man, manhood
owner ownership
agent agency
boy boyhood
captain captaincy
thief thievery, thieving
rogue roguery
hero heroism
bond bondage, bonding
rascal rascality
woman womanhood
regent regency
beggar begging
pirate piracy
patriot patriotism
bankrupt bankruptcy
author authorship
coward cowardice
pilgrim pilgrimage
glutton gluttony
Abstract noun of
Infant - infancy
mother - motherhood
priest - priesthood
friend - friendship
man - manhood
owner - ownership
agent - agency
boy - boyhood
captain - captaincy
thief – theft / thievery
rogue - roguery
hero - heroism
bond - bondage
rascal – rascaldom
woman – womanhood / womanliness
regent - regency
beggar – beggarhood / beggardom
pirate - piracy
patriot – patriotism
bankrupt - bankruptcy
author - authorship
coward - cowardice
pilgrim - pilgrimage
glutton - gluttony