According to Daniel Roselle, what are two ways Islam improved the lives of people in Spain
Document 1 According to The Oxford History of
Islam, what is one way Islam was spread to African
Score of 1:
States a way Islam was spread to African socie5es
according to The Oxford History of Islam Examples:
through trade routes; through the work of religious
leaders; merchants were carriers/opened trade
routes; merchants exposing isolated socie5es to
external influences; integra5on of Muslim religious
leaders into African socie5es; Muslim religious leaders
played social/poli5cal roles similar to those of
tradi5onal priests; by people trading • Document 2 According to Daniel Roselle, what are two ways Islam improved the
lives of people in Spain?
• Score of 2 or 1:
• Award 1 credit (up to a maximum of 2 credits) for each different way Islam
improved the lives of people in Spain according to Daniel Roselle
• Examples: establishment of Muslim love of art/beauty/learning in Spain; paving of
roads in Cordova so they were not muddy; ligh5ng roads with public lamps;
construc5on of some Spanish Moslems’ homes with marble balconies or courts
with lovely waterfalls or vaulted bedrooms with stained glass or marble baths
with metal pipes carrying water; using mosques for public schools for the poor;
giving access to excellent Muslim libraries that encouraged learning;
achievements of followers of Mohammed in science/chemistry/astronomy/
• Note: To receive maximum credit, two different ways Islam improved
the lives of people in Spain must be stated. For example, making
achievements in science and making achievements in chemistry or in
astronomy are the same way expressed in different words since
chemistry and astronomy are subsets of science. In this and similar
cases, award only one credit for this ques5on. However, if making
achievements in chemistry and making achievements in astronomy are
listed as separate examples, award two credits as they are understood
to be two separate disciplines. • Document 3 According to Fred Burke, how did
Askia Mohammed expand Islamic influences in the
Songhai Empire?
• Score of 1:
• • States how Askia Mohammed expanded Islamic
influences in the Songhai Empire according to Fred
• Examples: remodeling much of the empire along
Islamic lines; introducing legal/social reforms;
appoin5ng Islamic judges in the large districts;
administering jus5ce according to Muslim principles • Document 4 According to this excerpt from The Broken
Spears, how was Chris:anity spread in Mexico?
• Score of 1:
• • States how Chris5anity was introduced in Mexico according
to this excerpt from The Broken Spears Examples: Cortés
explaining Chris5an beliefs/prac5ces; Cortés begging the
Aztecs to become
• Chris5ans because it was the will of the pope; by Cortés being
sent to Mexico by Emperor Charles; Cortés used the Aztecs
friendly welcome to tell them about Chris5anity; by the
Aztecs listening to Cortés’ message because they thought he
was sent by their gods; Cortés teaching the Indians about the
law of God; Cortés explaining the mystery of crea5on/the
fall/the Trinity/incarna5on/the passion/the resurrec5on/ baptism.