According to your observation how did the people of prehistoric times select themes for their paintings
The people of prehistoric times selected themes for their paintings on various basis ranging from their daily routine activities to royal and sacred images such as hunting, food gathering, music, horse riding, honey collection, decoration of bodies and other household scenes.
For ex.
Lakhudiyar paintings : The rock shelters on banks of the River Suyal at Lakhudiyar, bear these prehistoric paintings. We observe that the paintings here can be divided into three categories: man, animal and geometric patterns in white, black and red ochre. Humans are represented in stick-like forms. A long-snouted animal, a fox and a multiple legged lizard are the main animal motifs. Wavy lines, rectangle-filled geometric designs, and groups of dots can also be seen here. One of the interesting scenes depicted here is of hand-linked dancing human figures. There is some superimposition of paintings. It shows that they select the theme of their paintings on the basis of events and actions related to their life and people & animal seen by them.
The people of the prehistoric era resided in caves, hillsides, and forests. They relied on hunting and gathering for their subsistence. These arts would include conflict, difficulty, and overcoming obstacles as their motifs.
The people paint hunting scenes, different animal species, their food gathering activities, dance, and music, as well as body decoration, other family scenes, and whatever else they come across that looks attractive. For instance, the Lakhudiyar Caves include prehistoric artwork on rock shelters. Black, white, and red ochre have been used to paint both men and animals. In most cases, the painting is composed of sketched geometric patterns. Here, the human dancing figure is extremely impressive.
Hunting would have been the primary subject of primitive art. Animals, hunters, and tiny, hand-painted or carved objects that are worn as charms or talismans for protection are among the motifs of this art.