achievements of ayub Khan??
He oversaw the development and completion of mega projects such as hydroelectric dams, power stations, and barrages in all over the country. During 1960–66, the annual GDP growth was recorded at 6.8%.
He oversaw the development and completion of mega projects such as hydroelectric dams, power stations, and barrages in all over the country. During 1960–66, the annual GDP growth was recorded at 6.8%.Works written: Friends Not Masters: A Political Autobiography, Homage to the Quaid-...
He oversaw the development and completion of mega projects such as hydroelectric dams, power stations, and barrages in all over the country. During 1960–66, the annual GDP growth was recorded at 6.8%.Works written: Friends Not Masters: A Political Autobiography, Homage to the Quaid-...Children: Gohar Ayub Khan, Begum Nasim Aurangzeb
He oversaw the development and completion of mega projects such as hydroelectric dams, power stations, and barrages in all over the country. During 1960–66, the annual GDP growth was recorded at 6.8%.Works written: Friends Not Masters: A Political Autobiography, Homage to the Quaid-...Children: Gohar Ayub Khan, Begum Nasim AurangzebNationality: Pakistan, British India, British Raj
He oversaw the development and completion of mega projects such as hydroelectric dams, power stations, and barrages in all over the country. During 1960–66, the annual GDP growth was recorded at 6.8%.