acidic properties of carboxylic acid
Both acid and carboxylate are resonance stabilized but stabilization but stabilization is far greater for the carboxylate ion than for the acid. Thus carboxylic acids get ionised due to gain in the stability in going from carboxylic acid to the more stable carboxylate ion. Any factor that stabilizes more the carboxylate ion would facilitate the release of protons and increase the acidity. Thus electron withdrawing substituents (Cl, No2, CN etc.) in a carboxylic acid would disperse the negative charge of the COO^- , stabilize it, and thus enhance the acid strength. On the other hand, the presence of an electron donating substituent it, and thus enhance the acid strength. On the other hand, the presence of an electron donating substituent such as alkyl group, would intensity the negative charge on the COO^- , ion and thus destabilize it, making the carboxylic acid less acidic.