Social Sciences, asked by hanipani4931, 1 year ago

acknowledgement of agents of pollution


Answered by aths2002
long but good.....
1. Water:

Access to potable water is a basic need for people living in cities and villages. According to Human Development Report 2001, over 130 million people do not have to a safe water in our country. Remaining 870 million people are supposed to have access to water. This should be read as positive development. Majority of these people have to survive an on intermittent supply of water.

The quantity they manage to store is hardly sufficient. As water scarcity is constantly increasing, the effort should be made to make the maximum use of rivers, which represent huge concentration of surface water. Damming rivers will release water for irrigation, for drinking water supplies and also control the problem of floods. But constructing dams leads to the submergence of prime forests and rich agricultural lands.

The Narmada Bachoo Andolan (NBA) lead by Medha Patkar has launched its struggle against the Sardar Sarovar Dam on the Narmada and other small dams like the Mahaeshwar Dam. However, people’s campaigns against dams had managed to half progress on these projects.

Another problem is being faced on such important issues. India’s rivers are polluted. For example, in Ganga alone, an estimated 873 million liters per day of pollutants were dumped before the Govt., of India launched Ganga Action Plan (GAP) during 1985. This waste came from the 25 large towns and cities located on the banks of Ganga.

Similarly, rivers like Ganga and the Yamuna carried a load of industrial efficient. In spite of pollution control laws, many industries continue to pump in untreated or partly treated industrial effluents into the nearest water body. As a result, some rivers like the Patal ganga in Maharashtra, are virtually dead as the Chemicals poisons have destroyed all the life sustaining qualities.

2. Air:

The other major problem that affects the health of people rich or poor is the quality of the air we breathe. Indian cities have become some of the most polluted in the world with New Delhi heading the List. The World Health Organisation (WHO) ranks India’s capita as the fourth most polluted city in the world. The major contribution to air pollution to vehicular pollution followed closely by industrial pollution. To Control Pollution CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) has been followed instead to petrol as one of the measures.

In some cities the alternative of liquidities natural Gas (LNG) is also being explored. At the same time, citizens in cities like Mumbai which already has a good public transport system, argue that public transport should be improved rather than investing in infrastructure like flyovers which accommodate more private cars.

Polluted air is taking a big toll on the health of the people, specially children in cities. According to some studies, the number of premature deaths that can be traced to air pollution has increased by 30 percent in a five year period. In 1991-92 the figure was 40,000 which it had increased to 52,000 in 1995-96. In New Delhi, one out of every 10 school children suffers from asthma.

3. Forest:

According to National Policy of 1998 India should have one third of its land under forests. In fact barely 12 percent of the land is under forests. Areas with dense forest cover include natural forests that is, forests with mixed vegetation as well as monoculture plantation. Independent surveys suggest that while the overall figure for dense forest has increased marginally, but the area under natural forests has declined. This increase is due to more plantation.

Natural forests represent a wealth of biodiversity that would be lost if the rate of depletion is not checked. Most of these forests are part of the 87 national parks and 485 wildlife sanctuaries where no logging is permitted. In addition, the Government set up 11 biosphere reserves in 1974, covering an area of 4.76 million hectare to ensure that the biodiversity in these forests was protected.

The Government passed the Biological Diversity Bill 2000 under which a National Bio-diversity Authority has been constituted. The National Biodiversity has been an important aspect of their survival strategies, and the 75 action plans has been formulated. These plans will work out how to conserve biodiversity, how to encourage sustainable use of natural resources and how to guarantee equity in the use of these resources.
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