1. A place where a plant or an animal lives
4. Plants that do not shed their leaves
6. Plants with needle-like leaves
2. Special features that help animals to survive
in their habitats
3. Plants that shed all their leaves once a year
5. An underwater plant
1.) Habitat is the place where a plant or an animal lives.
4.) Evergreen tress do not shed their leaves.
6.) Conifers, or cone-bearing plants have needle like leaves .
2.) Adaptation is the special feature that help animal to survive in their habitats.
3.) Deciduous plants shed their leaves once a year.
5.) The plants which live underwater are called as Aquatic plants. One plant is Hydrilla.
• Habitat is the natural home of an animal or a plant.
• Light, air, water, and soil is a good habitat for a plant otherwise it will not survive.
• Two types of habitat are : Terrestrial habitat & Aquatic habitat.
• Some evergreen trees are cedars, junipers, pines, Douglas-firs and hemlocks.
• Some conifers are larches, pines, hemlocks, redwoods, spruces, yews etc.
• Some deciduous trees are oak ,maple , birch , ash, willow etc.
✴ Across :-
1. A place where a plant or an animal lives
➡ Habitat
4. Plants that do not shed their leaves
➡ Evergreen trees
6. Plants with needle-like leaves
➡ Coniferous tree
✴ Down :-
2. Special features that help animals to survive
in their habitats
➡ Adaptation
3. Plants that shed all their leaves once a year
➡ Deciduous tree
5. An underwater plant
➡ Elodea
Additional information :-
- Crossword puzzle, popular form of word puzzle. A crossword puzzle consists of a diagram, usually rectangular, divided into blank (white) and cancelled (black, shaded, or crosshatched) squares.
- The diagram is accompanied by two lists of numbered definitions or clues, one for the horizontal and the other for the vertical words, the numbers corresponding to identical numbers on the diagram.
- The blank squares of the diagram a certain letter of the alphabet is to be inserted, forming the words fitting the numbered definitions or clues.