active citizens and passive citizens compare
Passive citizens are citizens who are illiterate and have no knowledge about law and government. The women, men below 25 years of age, children and men above 25 years of age who didn't have enough to pay the taxes were listed under passive citizens.
Active citizenship refers to a philosophy espoused by organizations and educational institutions which advocates that members of charitable organizations, companies or nation-states have certain roles and responsibilities to society and the environment, although those members may not have specific governing roles.
Active citizens: Citizen who are literate and have knowledge about the law. They have a continuous income and consist of the right to vote for the law. Such citizens are called as active citizens in the state of France.
Passive citizens: Citizens who are illiterate and carry no sense of the law or its governance. They do not have any jobs but they are under the protection f the government. They do not have any right to vote in the government making process. They are known as passive citizens in the state of France.