English, asked by miralf858, 2 months ago

active passive
1.he checks all itmes
2.she is reading a book.
3. mother has knitled this cardigan
4. they founded this intitute in 2001
5. she was correcting our paper
6. they will start new factory
7. they had taken a decision
8. we shall support their views
9. they gave me a copy of tye bill
10. they police arrested the accused's

change these tenses into active passive tense


Answered by krisha026


The answer to this question is:


All times he check

A book was read by she

This cardigan was knitted by her mother

The institute was founded in 2021

The paper was corrected by she

The new factory will be started by them

The decision was taken by them

The views should be supported by us

The copy of tye bill was given by them to me

The accused was arrested by police

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