Art, asked by elizapontizor, 2 months ago

ACTIVITY#7 Direction: Write five sentences as reasons why sleeping garments should possess the characteristics indicated in the lesson.​


Answered by MichhDramebaz

\huge \bold \color{orange}a \color{red}n \color{green}\color{blue}s \color {purple}w\color {pink}e\color{yellow}r\color{lime}

Characteristics of a Sleeping GarmentSleeping garments must provide us the comfort while sleeping. They should possess the followingcharacteristics:1. They should not exceed the maximum dimensions specified in the regulations for the chest, waist, seat,upper arm, thigh, wrist, or ankle!. They should have no fa"ric ornament or trim, such as lace or ri""on, which extends more than # inch fromthe point at which it is attached to the garment$. They should have sleeves that taper from the shoulders to the ends of the sleeves%. They should have pant legs that taper from the thighs to the ends of the legs&. 'f they are 1(piece, they should taper from the chest down to the waist and from the seat up to the waist). 'f they are !(piece,a. The upper piece should tapers from the chest down to the "ottom of the piece,". 'f the upper piece has fastenings it should "e located within ) inches of the "ottom of the piece.c. 't has a lower piece that tapers from the seat to the "ottom.*. They should "ear a permanent la"el stating the si+e of garment. They should "ear a hang tag alerting "uyers that the garments are not flame(resistant and should "e wornsnug fitting "ecause loose(fitting garments are more likely to catch fire.Components of a -roect -lan1. -roect -lan /o. 0 reflects the num"er of proects!. ate 2egun 0 date when the construction of the proect will starts$. ate 3inished 0 the exact date when the proect will "e completed%. /ame of the -roect 0 a specific description of the o"4 proect.&. 5"ectives ( states the purpose why a proect should "e done. This is usually stated in three learningdomains: the cognitive, psychomotor and affective.). 6ord Study 0 unlocks the terms used operationally and conceptually*. Tools and 78uipment 0 list of tools and e8uipment in the accomplishment of the o". 9aterials and Supplies /eeded 0 the itemi+ed list of tools and supplies needed to produce a proect.a. uantity suggests the amount needed.". ;nit is the unit of measure of the 8uantity.c. escription refers to the features and characteristics of the materials and supply needed.d. ;nit Cost is the selling price per 8uantity and unit of the materialse. Total Cost is the total amount needed per 8uantity of supply and material needed.f. Total is the over(all total cost of all the supplies and materials to "e used.<. esign Specifications 0 the photographic representation of the proect in two to five views: front, "ack, right,left and top views.1=. -rocedure 0 the chronological steps or operations involved

Answered by roy006512


1. Name the leaders of Sanyasi Fakir rebellion.

2. Name the main centres of Indigo rebellion.

3. Who was the Governor General at the time of great Revolt 1857.

4. With what objective was the landholders society founded ?

5. What is meant by Autobiography and Memoir .

6. What were the causes of Moplah revolt ?

7. Why was the colonial system of education defective ?

8. Who was the editor of the Somprakash ?

9. In which year was the Asiatic Society founded ?

10. Who was the first Vice- Chancellor of Visva Bharati University ?(Ans- Rabindranath Tagore)

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