Activity 8: Essay Essay
Directions: Write an informative essay where you can create your own title on "How people are connected and have shared values despite of cultural diversities"
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Unity in diversity :-
We are human beings living from so many years in the communities,villages ,cities and states and countries. In this earth so many countries which have been found and not found moving forward with so many cultures,different activities and all other duties.
In early day the first man was lived in the jungles and made the leaves of trees as his clothes and eating raw meat of the different types of animals .after a few days he knew the fire when a rapid force between two rocks ,he used to make meat with fire.and after many years he know the every thing .They gathered and group huntings and developing his so many activities.
Different types of people with different duties and they worshipped so many natural God's like Earth , water ,fire , snakes and all .Now the man is so devloped and he knows everything.But our religion things , worships and cultural activities are moving to forward things which are connected in our blood from the early days of our lives from our fore fathers.
The life is connected with so many things .In that, the person must be connected with God through the religion things and our cultures.We must do our cultural activities .In somany societies and communities do their regula cultural activities and doing their jobs according to their regular duties.thats why we have humanity .Without the cultural diversities there is no difference between the humans and the animals. We have so many cultural and different religions but we live in this world as one .This is the best character the unity in diversity.
So, everyone has to do thier cultural activities and must follow our cultural things .This only gives the positiveness among us and sticking together good in our community.