Adam found that there were over 1 lakh pathshalas in Bengal and Bihar. These were small institutions with no more than 20 students. But the total number of children being taught in these pathshalas was considerable- over 20 lakh. These institutions were set up by wealthypeople, or the local community. At times they were started by a teacher (guru).The system of education was flexible. Few things thatyou associate with schools today were present in the pathshalas at the time. There were no fixed fee, no printed books, no separate school building, no benches or chairs,no blackboards, no system of separate classes, no rolicall registers, no annual examinations, and no regular time-table. In some places classes were held under banyan tree, in other places in the corner of a village shop or temple, or at the guru's home.
1 what type of education system we find in it.
A. Normal
B. Flexible
C. Rough
2 what are the differences you're find between now days education system and ancient education system?
A. Structural
B. Functional
C. Both above
D. none
Q.3 What is the meaning of GURU?
A. Teacher 31,3
B. doctor
Q.4 In above passage, we find what type of education.?
A.child center
B. Teacher center center
D parents center
1.William Adam was a Scottish missionary. He toured the districts of Bengal and Bihar and prepared a report on vernacular schools in 1830s. According to his report, there were over 1 lakh pathshalas in Bengal and Bihar.
2.William Adam
William Adam conducted a survey of such schools in Bengal during 1830s. According to his estimate, about one lakh vernacular schools existed at that time in the villages of Bengal and Bihar4.
3.Let us learn about the Report of William Adam first. children being taught in these pathshalas was considerable over 20 lakh. These institutions were set up by wealthy people, or the local community. At times they were started by a teacher (guru).
4.The pathshala was an open air institution having no paraphernalia like permanent structures, furniture and staff. A pathshala carried no name. It was usually known to people by the name of the guru who ran it. The pupils sat on the ground.
1. B. Flexible , 2. C. Both above , 3. A. Teacher , 4. B. Teacher center
1 what type of education system we find in it?
B. Flexible
2 what are the differences you're find between now days education system and ancient education system?
C. Both above
3 What is the meaning of GURU?
A. Teacher
4 In above passage, we find what type of education?
B. Teacher center