English, asked by yadavanshika060, 4 months ago

Adjective form of dirt (Dirty/dirtyness) ​


Answered by sutharpraveena414



Adjective form of dirt is dirty.

Hope it helped u



Answered by JuniorBrainly100

\huge\red{Answer :) }




\small\bold{\texttt { \red{Explanation!!} }}


Dirty can be an adverb or verb but also an adjective.


It is also an adjective as the word "dirty" shows the quality of a perticular thing ,it can be either noun or pronoun.


For Example:-


  1. Despite a walk in the rain my shoes weren't too dirty.
  2. Don't put that in your mouth as it's dirty.


\color{Purple}{\large\underline{\underline\mathtt{Additional \ imformation↓↓↓}}}


❁What is an adjective?


The word that describe a noun or a pronoun is known as an adjective.

They are also known as "describing words".


❁Kinds of an adjective:-


1) Descriptive Adjective:-


  1. A descriptive adjective is probably what you think of when you hear the word 'adjective'.
  2. Descriptive adjectives are used to descrive nouns and pronouns.⠀


For Examples:-


  1. The flowers Have a nice smell.
  2. The cat is hungry.

2) Quantitative Adjective

  1. Quantitative adjectives describe the quantity of something.
  2. In other words, they answer the question “how much?” or “how many?” Numbers like one and thirty are this type of adjective. So are more general words like many, half and a lot.

For Examples:

  1. “How many children do you have?” “I only have one daughter.”
  2. “Do you plan on having more kids?” “Oh yes, I want many children!”
  3. “I can’t believe I ate that whole cake!”


3. Demonstrative Adjective:


  1. A demonstrative adjective describes “which” noun or pronoun you’re referring to.
  2. These adjectives include the words:

  • This — Used to refer to a singular noun close to you.
  • That — Used to refer to a singular noun far from you.
  • These — Used to refer to a plural noun close to you.
  • Those — Used to refer to a plural noun far from you.

Demonstrative adjectives always come before the word they’re modifying.


For Examples:

  1. "Which bicycle is yours?” “This bicycle is mine, and that one used to be mine until I sold it.”


4. Possessive


  1. Possessive adjectives show possession. They describe to whom a thing belongs.
  2. Some of the most common possessive adjectives include:

  • My — Belonging to me
  • His — Belonging to him
  • Her — Belonging to her
  • Their — Belonging to them
  • Your — Belonging to you
  • Our — Belonging to us

For example, even though saying “That’s my” is incorrect, saying “That’s mine” is perfectly fine.

For Examples:

“Whose dog is that?” “He’s mine. That’s my dog.”


5.) Interrogative Adjective:


  1. Interrogative adjectives interrogate, meaning that they ask a question.
  2. These adjectives are always followed by a noun or a pronoun, and are used to form questions.
  3. The interrogative adjectives are:


  • Which — Asks to make a choice between options.
  • What — Asks to make a choice (in general).
  • Whose — Asks who something belongs to.

For Examples:

  1. “Which song will you play on your wedding day?”
  2. “What pet do you want to get?”


6.) Distributive


  1. Distributive adjectives describe specific members out of a group.
  2. These adjectives are used to single out one or more individual items or people.
  3. Some of the most common distributive adjectives include:

  • Each — Every single one of a group (used to speak about group members individually).
  • Every — Every single one of a group (used to make generalizations).
  • Either — One between a choice of two.
  • Neither — Not one or the other between a choice of two.


  1. “Every rose has its thorn.”


7. ) Articles

  1. There are only three articles in the English language: a, an and the.
  2. Articles can be difficult for English learners to use correctly because many languages don’t have them (or don’t use them in the same way).

  • A — A singular, general item.
  • An — A singular, general item. Use this before words that start with a vowel.
  • The — A singular or plural, specific item.

Hope it was helpful..

Thanks for asking..

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