Adjectives starting with letter i to describe a person
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Adjectives starting with letter i to describe a person are ..
Icy - very cold or, in dealing with people, unfriendly; hostile
Idealistic - unrealistically aiming for perfection
Idiotic - incredibly stupid
Illogical - lacking sense or reason
Immoral - not conforming to the standards of morality
Impeccable - the highest standards of propriety; flawless
Improper - not in accordance with the rules
Inconceivable - not capable of being grasped; unbelievable
Incredible - impossible to believe
Indigenous - native to a particular place
Indigo - dark blue
Infernal - relating to hell; the underworld
Inferior - of a lower quality
Integral - necessary; essential
Intelligent - clever; a high level of intelligence
Interesting - arousing curiosity or interest
Irate - extremely mad
Ironic - an outcome that was the opposite of what was expected
Irreconcilable - points of view that are so different, they cannot be made compatible
Irrelevant - beside the point; not important
Icy - very cold or, in dealing with people, unfriendly; hostile
Idealistic - unrealistically aiming for perfection
Idiotic - incredibly stupid
Illogical - lacking sense or reason
Immoral - not conforming to the standards of morality
Impeccable - the highest standards of propriety; flawless
Improper - not in accordance with the rules
Inconceivable - not capable of being grasped; unbelievable
Incredible - impossible to believe
Indigenous - native to a particular place
Indigo - dark blue
Infernal - relating to hell; the underworld
Inferior - of a lower quality
Integral - necessary; essential
Intelligent - clever; a high level of intelligence
Interesting - arousing curiosity or interest
Irate - extremely mad
Ironic - an outcome that was the opposite of what was expected
Irreconcilable - points of view that are so different, they cannot be made compatible
Irrelevant - beside the point; not important