Advantage and disadvantage of pesticites
pesticides are chemical or biological substances that are used to prevent the growth of pests which are damaging the crop in an agricultural field...
1. controling of pests are help in reduction of pests feeding upon ecnomically leading crops.
2.increasing fields are useful in increasing the providity of crops.
3.pesticides are cost effective they are cheap and easily available.
1.The action of pesticides not only kill the desirved only the harmful pests but also kills benificially pollinating insects.
2.pesticides are potentially harmful pollutants of air soil and water.
3.pesticides are harmful for all living species the human aplicant have been found symptoms of nausea,headache,irritation,and severe poisoining ailents associated with the use of pesticide in the agricultural field...
Pests are harmful insects whose effects on the crop can be devastating if they are not controlled. Pesticides help farmers in preventing crop damage by these harmful insects. Although pesticides are important to farmers, using them can pose a risk to the farmer, his family and animals.
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