Physics, asked by akhil24, 1 year ago

advantage and disadvantage of solar cooker


Answered by ademolaabraham02


The advantages and disadvantages of solar cooker

The advantages is as follows:

  • Using solar cooker can reduce your dependence of your gas or electricity
  • It maintain better air quality indoor
  • It reduce carbon monoxide emissions to enjoy cooler temperature indoor
  • It conserve more fuel by reducing the need for air condition
  • It remains moisture and softness in baked food

The disadvantages are

  • It require sunlight, without sunlight it cant function
  • Its  difficult to used in winter months and raining days
  • Cooking takes longer time compare to conventional system
  • Users must schedule there cooking time and maximise the use of sunlight
  • They are not efficient at retaining heat.

Answered by obedaogega


The advantages and the disadvantages of a solar cooker.


A solar cooker is a device that uses the rays from the sun to provide heat energy required for cooking. A solar cooker just as any man-made device has advantages and disadvantages and they are as follows;

Advantages of solar cookers

  • No fuel is required hence economical . The need for fuel to keep cooking on, is not needed when using a solar cooker as the cooker has inbuilt mechanisms, that are able to convert the heat rays from the sun into the heat energy used for cooking.
  • A unique and useful thing about a solar cooker is that these products are very eco-friendly. A solar cooker has an upper hand compared to other sources of cooking energy such as the stove which uses kerosene and therefore polluting the air by releasing toxic chemicals to the air after the kerosene has undergone combustion.
  • Encourage savings as the monies used to buy other fuels is now saved as the  sun provides free natural energy for use.
  • Subsidies on costs . For a solar cooker existing in a household that used to be dependent on electrical energy for domestic purposes will now be at chance to save on the bill since solar subsidies some of the heat requirements.
  • It is very reliable and predictable in dry areas and during the summer .In the areas mentioned above , solar cookers are time effective and cost efficient. Time effective since it is predictable on its timelines. cost effective since no need for backups as the solar energy is predictable.
  • Its a lifetime saving on the sources of heat energy as they can  last up to a hundred years or so.

Disadvantages of the solar cooker

  • Can cause inconveniences especially during winter when the probability of the sun shinning is low. For example one might be late for work because there was no enough heat to cook their food.
  • May lead to extra costs which were not intended. in case of poor sunlight one might be needed to carry an extra gas cooker or a stove along for emergency purposes .
  • A solar cooker does not work at night . This is a serious problem that begs for alternative sources of heat energy during the night ,thus making the owner spend twice on energy.
  • installation costs are too high. since the solar cooker is a new invention, there is very little knowledge about the know-how on its operations . This calls for costs to pay people with know-how to install the same.

Hope that was mind-blowing.

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