Advantages and disadvantages of agriculture technology in india
HeY ...
Disadvantages and Benefits of modern agriculture
Technology has increased agricultural productivity to the present.
Technological development has been sustainable
Technology is the basis for Sustainable
Agriculture Modern agriculture is forcing increasingly to use practices that lead farmers to improve their production costs, avoid losses and ensure stable production.
This has led to find alternatives such as the adaptation of the concept of precision agriculture in the country’s crops.
This has as a principle to determine the existing variety within the farms, plots to proceed to establish management areas where conditions are homogeneous and provide each zone what this requires.
With this resource and inputs in the farms, plots and therefore, the profitability of the agricultural business will be improved for the entire agriculture sector for the benefit of the farmers.
Modern agriculture has multiplied the negative impacts on the environment.

The destruction and salinization of the soil, contamination by pesticides and fertilizers, deforestation or the loss of genetic biodiversity, are very important problems that must be faced in order to continue enjoying the advantages that the green revolution has brought us.
The negative impacts are:
a) Soil erosion
The destruction of the soil and its loss by being swept away by the waters or the winds represent the loss, worldwide, of between five and seven million hectares of arable land each year.
b)Salinization and waterlogging of highly irrigated soils
When irrigated soils do not have a sufficiently good drainage, they become waterlogged and when the water evaporates, the salts contained in the soil are dragged to the surface. Almost half of the world’s irrigated land has lost its productivity for this reason and about 1.5 million hectares are lost each year.
c) Excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides
Fertilizers and pesticides should be used in the right amounts so that they do not cause problems. Its excessive use causes pollution of the waters when these products are washed away by the rain. Pollution causes eutrophication of waters, mortality in fish and other living beings and damage to human health.
Aquifers in agricultural areas have been contaminated with nitrates to a level dangerous to human health, especially for children.
d) Depletion of aquifers
Aquifers have been slow to form for tens of years and when water is removed in greater quantity than the one that reaches them, they are emptied.
That it is easier to cultivate the land with the new technology, but it has its disadvantages and benefits that has given a very big turn in vegetable foods, directly benefiting those with few resources who have a hard time getting the basic basket.
However, we must take into account that at the same time nature is directly harmed, due to the loss of fertility in the land, the contamination of aquifers and mainly to the health of human beings.
hope this helps you