Science, asked by kpoptrash13, 11 months ago

advantages and disadvantages of science


Answered by Anonymous


Here's your answer.......


1. Science has brought about several outstanding advantages to mankind.

2.The vast improvements made in the field of medicine have served to lengthen our life expectancy and to reduce the rate of infant mortality.

3.The discovery of mechanization, better seeds, better techniques of irrigation and pest control, has worked to increase productivity levels on farms.

4.In transportation, railway, modern ocean liner, jet plane, and motor vehicle have made our lives more comfortable and provided great possibilities for modern commercial development and industrialization.

5.The invention of the computer has assisted the process of calculation in laboratories

6. Technology has made communication much simpler in the recent times.

7.Science has brought about ground breaking solutions to numerous deadly diseases.

8.Man is able to explore the space extensively because of the wide-scale development in technology.

9. Our life has become healthier and longer.

10. Modern hygiene, sanitation, medicine and surgery are conquering more and more physical and mental ills day by day. We now know and experience the joys of good health and longevity.



1.Though we welcome these blessing of science, we have to consider the darker side of the picture also.

2.Machines have led to unemployment.

3. They have polluted water and atmosphere. They have caused noise pollution.

4.Factories have led to slums where human beings live in squalor.

5.Our moral and spiritual progress has failed to keep pace with our scientific progress.

6.We have allowed science to master us instead of using it as our servant.

7.Machines make us mechanical, deaden our sensibilities, stifle our creative talents, force mechanical regularity, uniformity and boredom upon us, increase our wants and desires, and tend to make us selfish, greedy and cruel.

8.Geographical distance has, no doubt, vanished, but the gulf between the minds and hearts of man has widened.

9.Machines have given man leisure, but man misuses it to get cheap and vulgar entertainment which destroys his physical and mental health.

10.Again, science has put in our hands such fiendish weapons as the nuclear bomb, the guided missile and means of chemical and biological warfare.


•••••••We are in danger of destroying ourselves with these monstrous means which, ironically, are our own creations. Rightly used science can bring heaven on earth. Wrongly used, it can trun this earth in to hell by destroying civilization.••••••••




Sorry baby 'wink'

Answered by vivekanandojha
Science today has given us such comforts as were unimaginable a few years ago. To-day we have electricity, telephone, television, internet, computers, machines for everything, robots etc. all of these things have made the life of a man very comfortable. The electric fans, cars, trams and aero-planes etc are among other scientific inventions and discoveries which have increased happiness of man. Science has made this world a global village by the inventions of internet, telephone and computer. Any kind of information is just at distance of a “click”.

Advantages of Science

Science has made travelling easy and efficient by the inventions of aero planes, bullet trains and ships.

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The inventions of modern vehicles have shortened the distances.

There are aero planes which have shortened the distances. For traveling within a country, there are modern and advances models of buses and cars, providing the luxury life style. To move within a city, people use motor bikes, bicycles and taxi. Not only traveling is advanced now, but everything has a big impact of science. Science has changed the teaching methods, for example, teachers used black boards and chalks in past, but now they are using multimedia projectors.

Disadvantages of Science

On the destructive site, science has invented such disastrous weapons which can ruin everything in seconds. The inventions of laser beams, cobalt bomb and megaton bomb have increased the chances of human destruction thus if these weapons are used, they would spell disaster for the whole mankind.

So there should be the limited use of science / Disadvantages of Science i.e. Only use science for good purposes. Scientists have the responsibility to stop the inventions of disastrous weapons otherwise, man will ruin this world by his own hands.

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