Advantages and disadvantages of territorial representation system
Advantages and Disadvantages of Functional System of Representation
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Functional or occupational representation is a protest against the system of territorial or geographical representation. In modem States the usual basis of representation is territorial.
A district or constituency is demarcated and voters living within the tutorial limits of that constituency elect a representative or representatives.
This system of territorial or geographical representation is held to be inconsistent with the spirit of democracy. It is maintained that members elected from different constituencies are not representatives in the real sense of the term.
It is a misrepresentative system rather than representative as a representative elected on the territorial basis cannot represent the varied and diverse interests living in a constituency. He can represent only his own interests which he has in common with others.
People pursuing the same kind of work or functions have more things or ideas in common than people living in the same locality. It is, therefore, proposed to replace the traditional territorial system of representation by occupational representation in which various industrial or other occupational groups should be reflected.
In the beginning the demand for reform in the electoral system of territorial representation took the form of a demand for proportional representation. But it was soon realised that the system of proportional representation ensured representation only to minorities which were recognised as political parties.
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