Write a story in which a child and a policeman play an important role( essay 300 to 350 words)
Essay in Which a Child and a Policeman Plays an Important Role
Topics: Stewart Copeland, English-language films, Superintendent Pages: 1 (253 words) Published: March 13, 2013
heard some subdued sounds in my adjoining room. It was my father’s room. My father had gone on a one week tour. I looked through the crevice in the door. The beams of moon light were entering the room. So, the inside of the room was partially visible. I was at first horrified to see a thief. He was gathering currency notes from the almirah of my father, the lock of which he had broken open. My mother was sleeping in my room. I woke her up noiselessly and told her about the thief in a hushed voice. I took courage and went out in the verandah through the door of my room and locked my father’s room from outside. I also locked the outer gate of the house so that even if the thief came out of the window, the grill of which he had broken to enter my father’s room, he should not be able to run away. Then I took my mother outside in the verandah and locked all the doors from outside. We raised an alarm. A large number of our neighbors came and stood outside the gate of our house. Now, I opened the gate and came out with my mother. Then I locked the gate from outside. Thereafter, I rang up the police. The police arrived within a few minutes. The thief was caught. My bravery and presence of mind was appreciated
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