Advantages and disadvantages of the caste system in india
Caste system has several disadvantages which come in the way of social progress and development. It was the steel work of Hindus and thus it acted to curb individual freedom. Its disadvantages can be noted as under:
1. Caste system which was expected to raise man from savagery, acted to stop them half-way on the road to progress. It is probably a fact that the case in which the man was born pre-determined his vocation. He had no choice for his self-assertion and social security.
2. Caste is hierarchically graded, each caste being graded inferior to those above it and superior to those below it. The status of man is determined by the rank of that caste in the hierarchy. Once born in that case, his status stands pre-determined and immutable irrespective of any talent he may show or wealth he might accumulate.