Advertisement (paid for 3 years from 01.10.2019) total amount =6000
Advertisement paid for 3 years
Please read thoroughly, explained as under:-
There are certain expenses, the effect of which remain for so many years. I mean to say that the amount spent on advertisement will benefit to us for 3 years.
Here amount paid for advertisement total to Rs.6000.00 and the benefit of this amount spent will remain for 3 years. therefore, 2000.00 will be treated as expenses for this year and remaining 4000.00 will be set off in coming 2 years and will be termed as advance paid expenses (in accounting terms it is called Prepaid expenses)
As such the entry will be
Advertisement (Expenses) A/c Dr. Rs 2000.00
Prepaid Expenses (Advertisement) Dr Rs.4000.00
To cash/Bank (as the case may be) Rs.6000.00