After the Abel Merryweather Left home and went to Jingo Bells, the Jordans Left for their home.After ten days, Henry Slater and Ben Jordan met at a wedding function and shared their ideas about what Abel Merryweather Had done.
*Now Write the conversation Between Henry and Ben on these lines??
(Answer Me fast)
Since there is no word limit.
Henry: Hi Ben !
Ben: Hi Henry! It has been a long time since we last met.
Henry: Well, it has been around 10 days actually.
Ben: I felt very bad about what happened when Abel left .
Henry: Yeah! Everyone had tears in their eyes and I felt like a rotten egg for a while but there was some change that I have seen in Amelia (Mrs. Slater), she was like a defeated soldier of a war.
Ben: Same happened here to my wife (Elizabeth)<You can add if you want>.
Henry: Well, grandpa was very clever that he planned everything out even before anyone of us can even think about it.
Ben: That sly!
Henry: Watch your words, Ben.
Ben: I still can't think about how he made the will. You see he took all the things that belong to him with him itself , then went to the insurance office to pay his premium and then to ST.Philip's church to get married to Mrs. John Shorrocks who owns the Ring 'o' Bells.
Henry: Well frankly speaking we all deserved it.
Ben: Yeah we all.
Henry: Just cool it off, man atleast we have our families with us. We better think about not letting this happen again in the future.
Ben: Yeah! I think it's the best thing we can do.
Henry: By the way it's nice meeting you here ,Ben. Let's just keep in touch.
Ben: Yeah! I better get on going too as I met end up getting late.
Henry: Ok bye.
Ben: Bye.
See ya later gators <<<<<joke>