English, asked by roxannesarsaba, 11 months ago

against gender inequalitty 1000 words


Answered by 1Aarohi1
Gender Discrimination In India Essay

1000 words - 4 pages
Gender Discrimination in India
In India, gender discrimination is the biggest issue and has been going on since ancient time because of the cultural and social differences. Gender is always separated by roles of social and cultural beliefs for men and women. They start separating gender since when the child is born in the family. There is a huge difference being a son or a daughter in the family. “Society celebrates during the son’s birth and suffers pain when daughters are born” (Hussain). Gender discrimination is a big issue in Indian society other than the economic and social issues.
In India, “gender is always related to the rules and behavior assigned to women and men based on their sexual differences” (Hussain). While boys are growing up they are being taught to be more powerful and girls are being taught to be shy. Because of socio-economic and religious beliefs there is a gap between men and women in the society” (Hussain). “Society prefers to have son because he upholds the family values and ensures its continuity” (Jayaram V). “In India, when a male is born a Thali (a flat bronze utensil akin to a large tray) is beaten with a stick by friends and relatives. In the case of a girl, a fan, used for winnowing, is beaten” (A R Gatrad, M Ray, A Sheikh).
“Involvement of the medical community in this criminal activity indulged in by parents of the unborn child and the doctors 100%," says Dr. Puneet Bedi, independent health activist and gynecologist. The "missing girls" essentially means that millions of medical consultations and abortions have taken place with the active connivance of the medical community, who make a quick buck out of them, says Dr. Bedi” (Kumar).

In some part of India there are some norms for being a female, such as dowry when the girl gets married. If girl’s parents are not capable of paying dowry they have to loan some money from outside to do arrangements for her daughter’s wedding. If they fail to pay the dowry to groom’s family they will accuse woman by beating them or set them on fire because they did not receive any dowry from her family. Therefore, female child is considered to be a burden on the family while male child is considered as an asset of the family.
Gender also differentiates power in two different ways in the form of power to and power over where power to means all the informal and legal rights, access to resources, knowledge of personal goals, human functioning, which includes familial, cultural and social conditions. Power over refers to take control over the household and societal resources and cultural and religious ideology, and one's own and others' bodies. Therefore men tend to be more powerful than women and have a power over women.
According to research, I found some interesting data related to gender inequality.

1Aarohi1: Hii
1Aarohi1: Please mark my answer as brainliest
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roxannesarsaba: but not in india
roxannesarsaba: gender discrimination in the philippines
1Aarohi1: ok
roxannesarsaba: okay i'm waiting
1Aarohi1: ok
1Aarohi1: Hey, I don't know the answer
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