Age of Lata is AB and age of Asha is CD. If the digits of their ages are arranged as ABCD then the 4 digit number thus formed is a perfect square of a paticular number.If the same operation is repeated after 11 years then the 4 digit so formed is also a perfect square number of another number.Find the present ages of Asha and Lata.
(Value of A and B may be different)
Step-by-step explanation:
If the digits of their ages are arranged as ABCD then the 4 digit number thus formed is a perfect square of a paticular number. If the same operation is repeated after 11 years then the 4 digit so formed is also a perfect square number of another number.
Age of Lata = AB
Age of Asha = CD
ABCD is a four digit perfect square number.
After 11 yrs , combining the digits of the ages of Asha and Lata, we get the perfect square number.
To Find :
Find the ages of Asha and Lata.
ABCD = .............................................(1)
∵AB is increased by 11, CD is increased by 11,
∴Digits of ABCD gets changed
∴In ABCD ,
A is changed to (A+1), we have to add 1000
B is changed to (B+1), we have to add 100
C is changed to (C+1), we have to add 10
D is changed to (D+1), we have to add 1,
So in total we have to add 1000+100+10+1=1111
So, ABCD +1111= ( new number)......................(2)
Subtracting eq(1) from eq(2), we get
∴AB=20, CD=25
Hence the age of Lata is 20 yrs and of Asha is 25 yrs.