__ agency is not in charge of building large scale storage capacities in india
OPINION: Energy Storage in India - a perspective
The roadmap for assured supply of clean energy indicates the need for a clear-cut policy and regulatory framework for energy storage
ETEnergyWorld May 27, 2020, 07:25 IST
OPINION: Energy Storage in India - a perspective
New Delhi: With increased focus on climate change globally, there has been a shift towards renewable energy. India too is seeing a steady transition from fossil fuels towards renewable energy sources. With an ambitious target of achieving 40% of installed capacity based on renewable sources by 2030, energy storage appears to be the key to unlock the true potential of renewable energy and realize this target.
A greater dependence on renewable energy and greater integration of renewable energy with the grid is not without its share of problems. The intermittent nature of renewable energy and the limitations on its ability to ramp up and down based on demand lead to the waste of a certain amount of capacity. To counter this drawback, energy banking has been adopted in the past. However, this has, in turn, created several regulatory issues as banking directly impacts the financial viability of Distribution Companies, which have lately started curtailing banking facilities. Energy storage has the wherewithal to address several such constraints.
Energy storage typically refers to the storage of previously generated electric energy for use at a later time. Energy storage systems vary in form and size depending on the type of stored energy and include batteries (capacity range of 100200 MW), pumped storage hydropower (capacity range of 250-1000 MW), flywheels (capacity range of 10-20 MW), and pressurized gas storage systems (capacity range of 0-180 MW). Apart from bridging the gap between demand and supply of electricity (and thereby increasing reliability), energy storage systems help minimize deviation from schedule.