agriculture is the main source of our country's economy. yet most of our farmers are poor and live difficult lives. think of way to improve their situation
Some of the most abject poverty in the world is concentrated in farming communities. Many farm women, children and men depend on a precarious balance of multiple livelihoods, in which hunger is a daily fact of life and where access to basic services, education, health and water supplies is even more difficult than for the urban poor. Contrary to conventional wisdom, a majority of poor farm families live in areas with medium to high rainfall and significant agricultural development potential. Although there is also considerable poverty in dry and remote areas with low agricultural development potential, they support many fewer people than the more intensively farmed areas. Most commonly, the world's rural poor are concentrated in areas where population density is high and farms are small, growing food crops at a low-to-medium level of intensity. Often, off-farm income represents an important source of household livelihood.
The analysis presented in Chapters 2 to 7 showed how changes in population, markets, technologies, policies, institutions and information flows are simultaneously placing new pressures on, and opening new opportunities for, the smallholder farming community. Where land is available, population growth and market demand are fuelling an expansion of cultivated area; although not always into areas appropriate for sustainable agriculture. In most places, however, land is scarce and incentives for good resource management are absent; soils are being depleted, holdings are shrinking and farmers are sliding deeper into poverty. Increasingly, farm families are being forced to resort to seasonal, and ultimately permanent, migration in search of alternative livelihoods. On the other hand, where support structures exist and policies promote effective resource management, small farmers are successfully intensifying and diversifying production, enhancing their resource base and increasing off-farm income through family employment in local agro-industries.