aknowledgement about pressure groups
1. Objectives
2. Acknowledgement
3. Introduction
4. Meaning of Pressure Group
5. Concept of Pressure Group
6. Characteristics of Pressure Group
7. Features of Pressure Group
8. Role of Pressure Group
9. Methods of Pressure Group
10. Types of Pressure Group
11. Major Pressure Group
12. Pressure Group in India
13. Difference Between Political Party and Pressure Group
14. Media as Pressure Group
15. Criticism of Pressure Group
16. Conclusion
17. Bibliography
I have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without the kind support and help of many individuals and organizations. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of them.
I am highly indebted to IILS for their guidance and constant supervision as well as providing necessary information regarding the project and also for their support in completing the project.
I would like to express my gratitude towards my parents and members of IILS for their kind co-operation and encouragement which help me in completion this project.
My thanks and appreciation also go to my colleague in developing the project and people who have willing helped me out with their abilities.
____________ ______________
Signature of Signature of
The Teacher Student
Objectives :-
After complete this project topics, I will able to
Explain the meaning of Pressure Group
Elaborate the main characteristics of Pressure Group
Classify the Pressure Group
Discuss the function and role of Pressure Group
Distinguish between Political Parties and Pressure Group
Introduction :-
A Pressure Group can be as an organised group that does not put up candidate for election candidate for election, but seek to influence Government policy or legislation. They can also be described as ‘Interest Group', ‘Lobby Group’ or ‘Protest Group’. Some people avoid using the term ‘Pressure Group’ as it can inadvertently be interpreted as meaning the group use actual Pressure to achieve their aims, which does not necessarily happen.
The term ‘Pressure Group’ is a very wide definition that does not clearly distinguish between the groups that fall under the term.
The aim of all Pressure Groups is to influence the people who actually have their power to make decisions. Pressure Group do not look for the power of political office for themselves, but do seek to influence the decision made by those who do hold this political power. Often Pressure Group find themselves completing with rival Pressure Groups with the aim of gaining an advantage of them, but some times groups work together to achieve a common aim.
Pressure Group are the interest group which to secure interest by influence the public policy. They are non-aligned with any political party and work as indirect yet powerful group to influence the decision. In this article focus is paid on nature, types, role and function of Pressure Groups in India.