Albugo candida which cause white rust of crucifiers
1) lacks cell wall
2) has aseptate and coenocytic mycelium
3) reproduce asexually by oospore
4) produce edible fruiting bodies
has aseptate and coenocytic mycellium
• Albugo candida which cause white rust of crucifiers has aseptate and coenocytic mycelium.
Classification of fungus :-
• Major ecological role : Decomposer
• Kingdom Fungi contains achlorophyllous, spore producing, multicellular or multinucleate eukaryotic organisms e.g., moulds, mildews, yeasts, rust causing fungi, Penicillium, mushroom, etc.
• The organisms are heterotrophic with absorptive type of nutrition.
• Symbiotic association occurs with some algae and higher plants, e.g., lichens, mycorrhiza.
• The body of fungus is filamentous and is called mycelium. The filaments are known as hyphae.
• Cell wall contains chitin and non cellulosic polysaccharides.
• The cellular organisation is two envelope type.
• Reproduction is both a sexual and sexual.
Phycomycetes ( Algal Fungi ) :-
• Mycelium : Aseptate, coenocytic.
• Asexual reproduction : Zoospores, aplanospores, chlamydospores, sporangiospores.
• Sexual reproduction : Isogamy, oogamy.
Phycomycetes : They are called lower fungi because they have aseptate, multinucleated hyphae, coenocytic hyphae.
› Oomycetes : Asexual reproduction by sporangiospore method, zoospore method and conidia method.
› Sexual reproduction by gametangial contact and planogametic copulation.