History, asked by singhsuryansh87, 1 year ago

All the carnatic wars with explaination.(between whom it was fought and what were the results?)


Answered by srimadhwa19oylede
The Carnatic wars were a series of wars during the 18th century between the British, the French and the Marathas for control of the coastal strip of Eastern India.

In 1774 the war of Austrian Succesion broke out in Europe. Britain and France were on opposite sides. The echo of the war was felt in India also. J.F Dupleix, the French governor of Pondicherry, captured Madras, but restored it to the British after the war in Europe ended.

British and French involvement in the local politics of Hyderabad and Carnatic caused the Second Carnatic war(1748-1754). The Carnatic, with its capital at Arcot, was a province under the Nizam of Hyderabad. However, the Nawab of Arcot was aimost free from the Nizam's control. The death of the Nawab of Arcot and of the Nizam a few years later led to wars of succesion in the Carnatic and in Hyderabad. The English succeeded in installing their candidate on the throne of Arcot, while the French installed their candidate at Hyyderabad.

When the'Seven Years War' broke out between the French and the English in Europe, the last phase of the conflict (the third carnatic war) started between the English and the French in India. In 1706 A.D. the third battle of Carnatic was fought at Wandiwash. After the crushing defeat of the French by the English General Sir Eyre Coote, they (the french) lost their positions in India. After the Treaty of Paris in 1763 A.D. between France and England, the French Company was given back its factories, but it was not permitted to keep the troops. Thus their dream of establishing an empire in India was dashed to the ground. The English established their supremacy in India.
Answered by suggulachandravarshi


As a result of these military contests, the British East India Company established its dominance among the European trading companies within India. The French company was pushed to a corner and was confined primarily to Pondichéry..

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