English, asked by ishtiyaqgangyal195, 2 months ago

All the dangers and disasters could be confronted with patience, courage and determination. The writer with his family and crew members reached safely to the island, only because of these virtues. How far are these virtues essential for life? Discuss.​


Answered by shourysamrat007


Life is full of horros and excitements.There are people who live live life as it comes to them.They never fear death. Nor do they hesitate to undertake hazardous experiences. Such ordeals and hazardous experiences are quite rewarding. There is no gain without pains. In the lesson 'We're not Afraid to die', the narrator , his wife Mary and children Sue and Jonathanundertake to duplicate the round the world voyage. Such a daring and historic voyage was made two hundred years earlier by Captain James Cook.It was a planned three-year , 1,05,000 kilometre journey.Their troubles started when they sailed to the east of Cape Town. Gigantic waves and thundering storms proved more than a match. They brought untold sufferings and disasters. Gales and waves broke over the ship. The narratorsleft ribs cracked and his mouth was filled with blood and broken teeth. Even his little daughter Sue had a big bump above her eyes. But the narrator did not lose courage.

Such hazarous experiences teach us to be fearless and brave. They teach the lessons of determination , courage and patience. Ordeals and accidents have to be faced bravely. We cnanot close our eyes from the impending disasters. A perfect team-work helps us to survive against such disasters.Not only the crewmen showed extra ordinary courage but the children also showed rare courage. They declared that they were not afraid to die.. Hope sustains life. Patience and hard work are rewarded in the end. Ile Amsterdam was in front of their eyes. They anchored offshore for the night. The next morning , all 28 inhabitants of the island cheered as they helped them ashore.

To sum up , the lesson gives us the message that virtues like hardwork, patience and firm determination are the key to overcome the hardships of life.

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