All the lanthanoid elements form stable compounds containing the +3 cation. Of the few other ionic forms known, Ce forms the stable + 4 series of ionic compounds and Eu the stable + 2 series. Account for these unusual ionic forms in terms of their electronic configurations.
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Lanthanides are metallic elements in the periodic table from “Lanthanum to lutetium”. Lanthanides are elements of f-block in which 4f electron shell are filled. The atomic numbers run from 51 to 71. All the Lanthanide elements contain the +3 cations and forms the stable compounds.
The electronic configuration of Cerium is and it is stable at +4 cation.
can lose one 'f' electron to form
with the fixed Xenon configuration.
The Europium configuration is and it is stable at +2 cation.
earn an electron for the formation of
with the
configuration and has the additional “stability of a partially-filled shell”.
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