English, asked by arunajyothi7110, 5 months ago

All the members of the committee _____ (be) educated persons


Answered by kumarrajadpi


All the members of the committee are educated persons

Answered by ashutoshkrmgssl


All the members of the committee were educated persons.


The V2 form of 'be' is “was/wereand the V3 form of 'be' is “been”


Let’s launch with the basics What's a verb? Verbs are terms that portray address, whether physical or inner. Verbs likewise portray a “ state of existing, ” like the verbs be, come, or live.

  • Salah ran across the ground, kicked the ball, and scored a point.
  • “ I'm the country. ” — King Louis XIV

Some verbs likewise perform as “ coadjutor verbs ” to remodel the tense of another verb. further, these coadjutor verbs can remodel a positive speech into a negative speech with terms like “ not. ”

  • She has been sprinting for a month and formerly feels her stamina boosting.
  • “ I don’t sense so good. ” — Spider-Man

Every speech needs at least one verb. However, it’s a partial sentence or a speech scrap, If there’s no verb. Except for imperative statements( commands), a speech also needs a subject, the entity doing the act.

Motives are major for a verb because they modify how it’s conjugated, which we clarify below. This is specifically genuine for the most ordinary verb be.


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