English, asked by amrutapakhale123, 1 year ago

allude in to the sentence​


Answered by divya14321


The definition of allude is to drop a hint about something, but not go into details or specifics.

An example of allude is when a person mentions he needs to make a doctor appointment, but don’t say why he needs to.

We can only allude to some of these points.

Between a king who is a boy and one who is of noble birth may allude to historical persons.

Newton's desire to have no hand in writing the preface seems. to have proceeded from a knowledge that Cotes was proposing to allude to the dispute about the invention of fluxions.

It remains only to allude to the European school, if school it can be called, founded by Kokan and Denkichi, two contemporaries of OkyO.

We can only allude to a few of the measures which received his efficient support, e.g.

Answered by Anonymous

Question :-

☆Meaning of allude ?

Meaning : call attention to indirectly ; hint at ( to speak about something /somebody in an indirect way )

Uses :-

  • He allude to the problem in his speech
  • The teacher asked the students to not allude to any online sources in their assignment

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