Also discuss about the roughness and smoothness of fibres.
Fibres are obtained from natural sources such as cotton, wool etc. Yarn is obtained by braiding different fibres together.
Definition of Smoothness-roughness Sensation
Physical Factors
To better understand smoothness-roughness sensation, Ekman’s research found that smoothnessroughness sensation has a power function related to the surface’s friction coefficient [18]. Later
Li also found relationship to surface roughness, compression, fiber diameter and fiber and fabric
tensile properties [8]. In the definition of Kawabata’s fabric handle properties evaluation system,
a factor named “Numeri” (Smoothness) is related to bending, surface (friction and roughness)
and compression properties [14]. Recent research by Bishop concluded that roughness is associated with friction, shear, bending stiffness, and thickness [19]. Chen represented the strength
and form of the sensation and physical properties using the regression model through 37 different materials and four physical measurements [20]. Conclusion of these studies stated that
smoothness-roughness sensation was related to surface’s friction coefficient and roughness. Fig. 2
shows a summary of these related properties.