Alternative ending for old man at the bridge?
Alterative ending:
I returned to my job of checking on the enemy. I kept thinking about the old man and his rotten luck. The man kept sitting there probably thinking about his beloved animals and hoping for their survival which was not likely. As the sun went down the old man started walking away from the bridge probably towards San Carlos, I ran after him and said “The bridge is the other way sir.” He laughed and spoke “Thank you for talking to me if you get a chance please take care of my animals. The cat and the birds might have left” and he down walked the road. I watched him go and as he looked back I waved my hand to say goodbye. A few weeks later, when the war situation had cooled down, I decided to go and check whether the old man survived or not. I reached the place where I last saw him and the next sight filled my heart with sorrow. What I saw was a body covered in a piece of cloth lying beside a tree. I couldn’t help but open and see the corpse. I unwrapped the body and saw the old man and his cold dry eyes closed through his dusty spectacles. The cloth was covered with a lot of blood. On looking closely I found that the old man was shot in the stomach and in the legs. He was probably killed by a enemy solider. He had suffered the same destiny his goats might have. I paid my respects and had a moment of silence for him. I went back to my camp and hopped into a truck leaving for San Carlos. As soon as I reached San Carlos I started to inquire about the old man. The people guided me towards his house. When I opened the door, I saw that both the goats were shot dead by the enemy. As I walked up the stairs, I saw that the dove cages were open and they had escaped just like the old man had predicted. As far as the cat is concerned I searched a lot but couldn’t find it. The cat probably survived the war and had escaped. As I returned to my house with my mind and heart filled with despair I thought about the fatal consequences of war and if it was a solution to anything at all.