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Horans are beautd creatures. They can be different cons, and can run quickly. People She to watch Forses because they are strong and powert
Horses are manna Mammals ars aremals that have hair or rare wam-booded and visualy give birth to five young The mother horse generally has one baby in the spring, and feeds the baby nk. Horses have long legs and big eyes that can see almost at the way around them. They can wak, Fot palkp and sing.
Young horses that are one year did or younger are called foals A young female horse is called a fity, and a young male horse is called a to Afer 4 years, a horse is considered an acut Mary people think that a pony is a young hone, but that is incorect A pony is a type of horse that does not grow very large
Horses can ve up to 22 or 25 years. Sometimes people can led bow old a horse is by looking at the teeth! They generally seep standing up so that a predator approaches. they can run away quickly. Harses only head about three hours of sleep per day Ther hooves need to be taken care of Horse hooves are the our fingemalls, which need to be ned a horse is doing a lot of waking on hard ground people put horseshoes on them, then take off the horseshoes when the hooves need trimming New horseshoes are then put on
For food, horses eat foods such as grass, hay, cats, com, apples and cars. They are herbivores, meaning they do not eat other animals. Their stomachs are what, so they neet amat bequent feedings
There are wild horses, but many people have horses as pets, too. They nice the horses and may trachuhe horses ticks. When people first started to take horses as pets, they were just uned for work. The horses would pull cantages so people could ride places, or plough as the tarmers could more easly tend the Seids Horses were also used to move goods from place to place, by carrying objects on thee When these song creatures are treated with care, they make wonderful companions
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