Chemistry, asked by hiteshu86, 10 months ago

Aluminium becomes passive when heated in conc.HNO3.Give reason​


Answered by GENIUS1223

Concentrated nitric acid passivates aluminium metal (due to formation of thin protective oxide layer, A l X 2 O X 3 on surface of metal which cuts off further reaction. ) The surface of metallic lead is protected by a thin layer of lead oxide, P b O . This renders the lead essentially insoluble in sulphuric acid.Because the layer of inert thin oxide film is dissolved by the hot HNO3. HOWEVER, iron won't becomes passive when dipping in dilute HNO3. ... But dilute HNO3 exists in the form of hydrogen ion and nitrate ion, which shows acidity, so it does not passivate

Answered by serdan2114

It is due to the formation of oxide layer on the surface of  aluminium

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