English, asked by Yashvigupta76, 6 months ago

always be careful in his or van essay ​


Answered by khushigarg42

As I sit and type, while I can think of a million reasons why I need to be more careful and not speed, there are two reasons that seem to stick out at the top of my head. The first reason is, I need to be more careful because I could cause harm to myself and second, and more importantly, to someone else. Causing harm to me can lead to a whole lot of heartache for my family. It would further prove that everything my Mom and Dad were telling me is no joke. They love me and want me to grow up to become a functional and successful young man in today’s society. Causing harm to someone else could also lead to a lot of heartache for my family as well as someone else’s family. It…show more content…

You must not only be cautious of yourself but also everyone who occupies the roadways. You never know what can happen. There are too many uncertainties when it comes to the mixing of different people and their vehicles. You never know what kind of obstacles you will be faced with when you enter a public roadway. To help compensate for these uncertainties one must take extreme caution. Always be aware of your surroundings at all times. You must learn to keep your head on a swivel and eyes always on the road. When driving through any type of speed zone you should be extremely precautious. Especially in a school zone, due to children going and leaving school as well as all cars that could possibly be lined up waiting to pick up and drop off their children. When it comes to yours and others safety you must take as many precautions as necessary to keep everyone safe. If you were to ask the average American to recite the speed limits that are placed on the various types of roads such as freeways, back roads, residential streets, you would be surprised to discover how many can’t answer this seemingly simple question. There are many factors that are often overlooked, but there are cases when drivers get caught speeding.

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