English, asked by Pleasehelpitsurgent, 1 year ago

an 1 minute talk on adventure for asl.....please give some long answer..........


Answered by Priyanshi121
An adventure is an exciting or unusual experience. It may also be a bold, usually risky undertaking, with an uncertain outcome. Adventures may be activities with some potential for physical danger such as traveling,exploring, skydiving, mountain climbing,scuba diving, river rafting or participating in extreme sports. The term also broadly refers to any enterprise that is potentially fraught with physical, financial or psychological risk, such as a business venture, or other major life undertaking.

Adventurous experiences create psychological arousal, which can be interpreted as negative (e.g. fear) or positive (e.g. flow), and which can be detrimental as stated by the Yerkes-Dodson law. For some people, adventure becomes a major pursuit in and of itself. According to adventurerAndré Malraux, in his La Condition Humaine (1933), "If a man is not ready to risk his life, where is his dignity?".[full citation needed] Similarly, Helen Keller stated that "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."[3]

Outdoor adventurous activities are typically undertaken for the purposes ofrecreation or excitement: examples areadventure racing and adventure tourism. Adventurous activities can also lead to gains in knowledge, such as those undertaken by explorers and pioneers – the British adventurer Jason Lewis, for example, uses adventures to draw global sustainability lessons from living within finite environmental constraints on expeditions to share with schoolchildren. Adventure educationintentionally uses challenging experiences for learning.

Adventure in mythology and fictionEdit

Some of the oldest and most widespread stories in the world are stories of adventure such as Homer'sThe Odyssey. Mythologist Joseph Campbell discussed his notion of themonomyth in his book, The Hero with a Thousand Faces. Campbell proposed that the heroic mythological stories from culture to culture followed a similar underlying pattern, starting with the "call to adventure", followed by a hazardous journey, and eventual triumph.

The knight errant was the form the "adventure seeker" character took in the late Middle Ages.

The adventure novel exhibits these "protagonist on adventurous journey" characteristics as do many popular feature films, such as Star Wars and Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Answered by sweety105
Adventure is everything which we do with full excitement, courage and joy without thinking about the result. Here we have provided variety of essay on adventure for the students. All the adventure essay are written using easy words and simple sentences which can be easily understood by the students. They can select anyone of these according to their need and requirement:

Adventure is the experience of some exciting activities. It is the unusual experience which comes from the activities full of courage, excitement and joy. It never thinks about the result. It may result positively which gives some benefits and negatively which hurts and make losses. However, adventurous people never mind the result and continue their adventure. Adventure exists in everything however it differs in the people’s mind. Adventurous people think about the adventure as a new chance and opportunity to go ahead and get success or experiences through failure however coward people take it as a fearful act and never try to do.

Bold people do adventure always in their life. They suppose adventure to do anything in their life. We can experience adventure everywhere like getting birth, first day of school, interfere with first class teacher first time, going to tour at some adventurous places, participate in some adventurous sports, games, taking dive in the swimming pool from high height and so many activities. Doing adventure in the life may be risky to a great extent however it may also bless with blessings of success.

It may be activities full of courage, joy and excitement with potential of doing anything. It may create physical and mental danger to the people. People doing activities like exploring, skydiving, mountaineering, participating in sports, river rafting and so many are really great who keep themselves in danger all time. People may get affected physically, mentally, financially, psychologically and intellectually but they become used to of taking risks.

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