English, asked by zibranahmad, 1 year ago

an article in about 150 words on the importance of afforestation and maintaining green cover in the country to prevent pollution and global warning


Answered by kun3

 We plant trees in plantations for  various reasons, including maintaining water 

sources, upgrading soil quality, improving climate, supplying construction timber and 

wood energy, providing shelter for livestock, and furthermore, for social advantages,

cultural and traditional conservation and for beautifying the landscape.Tree planting along the boundary  of large fields and the homestead is useful for

strong live fences, windbreaks, wood energy and other complementary products 

such as fodder.Planting trees along the road provides various advantages such as shade, 

beautification of the landscape, a good and clean climate, prevention of soil erosion, 

drainage, prevention of dust from flying onto people houses, and providing wood for 

various use.Planting trees in public places,  such as hospitals,  schools, pagodas and public 

zibranahmad: thanks for answering me but i can not understand you words
kun3: plz. mark as brilliant
kun3: why??
zibranahmad: ok next time if u will me than definitely i will mark brilliant
zibranahmad: answer me
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