English, asked by mustafijur2035, 10 months ago

an article on roadrage and violence​


Answered by chitransh29



The stress level of people is on a rise and they look for ways to release the same. They enter into unnecessary arguments, shout loudly and even make use of physical force to release their frustration and anger. This aggression is often seen on the roads. Road rage is said to be an outcome of the rising stress levels and the diminishing sense of self control among people. Often a small argument turns into a physical fight and results in murder.

Road Rage – A Threat to Life

Road rage has taken several lives. Many people have become a victim of road rage over the past few decades. The cases are on a rise and the scene is getting uglier by each passing day. It seems like some people take on the road just to release their stress by getting into a physical or verbal fight with other people. People pick up fights for small reasons and end up shooting the victims before they even realize what is going on.


Strict Laws Must be Enforced

There is a dire need to enforce strict laws against people indulging in road rage. Lack of any strict laws to tackle road rage is one of the main reasons behind the increasing numbers of such cases. Our system takes action only when a serious crime takes place as a result of road rage.

People indulging in arguments or even physical fights on the roads or threatening to kill each other are not taken seriously. Not much action is taken against them. They are just warned and left to head on their way and that is if the police officials reach the spot on time. In most cases, road rage victims are hit and left crying on the road and no one is there to listen to them.


Road rage has become a serious threat to life. Such cases should be dealt with seriously. People indulging in the same should be punished severely and fined heavily for such behaviour. This is the only way to bring down such cases.


Answered by MrEccentric

Road Rage and Violence

- John Legend

Road rage is an aggressive or angry behavior exhibited by a driver of a road vehicle. These behaviors include rude and offensive gestures, verbal insults, physical threats or dangerous driving methods targeted toward another driver or a pedestrian in an effort to intimidate or release frustration. Road rage can lead to altercations, assaults and collisions that result in serious physical injuries or even death. Strategies include long horn honks, swerving, tailgating and attempting to fight the other driver.

A stressed driver’s behavior depends on that driver’s coping abilities. Generally, drivers who scored high on aggression tests used direct confrontation strategies when faced with stress while driving. Many drivers who experience road rage have admitted that they believe they commit more traffic violations. Driving presents many stresses any time a person is behind the wheel because of high speeds and other drivers making different decisions. As stress increases, the likelihood of a person having road rage increases dramatically. Typically, younger males are most susceptible to road rage. Most reported cases of road rage occur because of cutting in and out of traffic, lane changes, disputes over parking spots or rude gestures. According to the same report, 6.8% of road rage incidents result in death.

Road rage is a relatively serious act: It may be seen as an endangerment of public safety. It is, however, not always possible to judge intent by external observation, so "road ragers" who are stopped by police may be charged with other offences such as careless or reckless driving, or may be fined. Road ragers may be considered as criminals.

mustafijur2035: that's very good
MrEccentric: could you please mark it as the brainliest, if 'that's very good'!
mustafijur2035: yup
MrEccentric: Thanks...
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