English, asked by chiengting102102, 11 months ago

An essay about an important decision you made that changed youe life.​


Answered by Moharis287

Answer:The Decision That Changed My Life

One choice changed everything.

Nathan Edwards Elmira College Jun 06, 2016

The Cubicle Chick


We make decisions everyday. Whether it is small decision like what to wear that day or a big decision like where to go to college, these decisions have at least some influence on the rest of our lives. I wanted to talk about a decision I made that has changed my life forever. No, it's not my decision to go to Elmira College or my decision to get tattoos. One of the most important and life-changing decisions I made was to give up soda. I know that it seems like such a tiny decision, but it truly has changed my life.

I gave up soda about a month and a half before my trip to the Bahamas as a healthy step towards "getting in shape" for my trip. At first I thought it was going to be really hard giving it up, but after that first two weeks I wasn't thinking about soda at all. One thing led to another and I started eating better, working out more and just generally living a healthier life. Weeks and weeks went by and I still was not missing drinking soda. I had already seen a difference in my life following this healthier life style. I felt happier, more energized and just all around better. When I started just running a little each day. I lost 10 lbs by cutting out soda and working out.

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During my trip I was extremely tempted to drink soda because all we were drinking was water and Kool-Aid at lunch/dinner. I almost caved a couple of times but stayed strong because I wanted to keep up my streak and show those who maybe thought I wouldn't be able to do it that they were wrong. Soon the urge to drink soda somewhat vanished and I really did not even become tempted by it by the end of the trip. I got home to the States and when I got back home I decided to weigh myself. I had lost 20 lbs on my trip! I could not believe what I saw! I like to think that because I gave up soda I lost that much weight, but it is was also from the intense hikes and swimming every day that made me lose that much that quickly. As I write this article, I can still say that I haven't had soda for two and a half months and I couldn't be happier with my decision.

I also wanted to give some advice for those who were in the same situation as I was, where you wanted/needed to give up something that you think you can't live without. Usually you shouldn't go cold turkey...I found out that in order for me to actually give up soda I had to go cold turkey, so it really depends on how dependent you are on what you are giving up. You also need a support system; my friends really helped me out by supporting me and reminding me of the reason why I was doing it. Lastly, remember why you are giving it up. Use the goal of you losing weight or being generally healthier to motivate you through the struggle. In the end, giving up soda changed my life and I don't regret my decision whatsoever. I hope you are inspired by my story to give up something that is bad for you and make yourself happier or even just a little bit healthier.


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