English, asked by manashberiwal6430, 13 days ago

An essay about two men fighting because of money


Answered by sghvvishald11a

Three men find a bag of money - they agree to divide the money equally -- all very hungry - one went to buy food from the market - he wants all the money himself – so poisons the food. --comes back with the food — the other two want all the money - so they murder him -- then. they eat the poisoned food — both die.It’s been 17 years since David Bach, co-founder of AE Wealth Management and nine-time bestselling author, published “Smart Couples Finish Rich.” But when it comes to money and marriage, very little has changed, he says. Although technology has evolved to help simplify our finances — and our ideas about who should earn more have, too — we’re still reenacting many of the same money fights our parents had. And money is still cited as the number one cause of divorce.I spoke to Bach, who’s just released a newly updated version of his book, about why that is, how to keep disagreements over money from leading to divorce — and the one money resolution every couple should make to ensure a future they can both enjoy.Jennifer Barrett: Why do couples fight so much over money?

David Bach: I’ll tell you why—because we almost always marry our financial opposite. You’re either born to save or you’re born to spend, and financial opposites attract. That can lead to enormous power struggles and trust issues and regular fights.Barrett: Are we still fighting over the same things couples did 17 years ago?

Bach: Yes. And the challenge with money is that if you’re not in the boat together, rowing in the same direction, it’s not a once-a-year fight, it’s constant. There’s an ongoing battle when the bills come in around how the money is being spent. Even if they’re little battles, or little jabs — like “Oh, you bought that and didn’t keep the receipt?”— it comes down to a breakdown of trust.

If you have a goal to go in one direction, and your partner is doing something that takes you away from that, that’s financial infidelity. If money is pulling you apart and you don’t fix what you’re fighting about, everything else in your relationship will erode.Barrett: Is there a point of no return?

Bach: I don’t think so. I think you can fix your financial life today and you can change the course of your marriage in an hour.

Barrett: How do you do that?

Bach: First, look at your values. Determine the true purpose of money in your life…When your values are clear, your financial decisions become easy. What holds people back from making the right decisions is that they are just not clear. A lot of people don’t realize that they are spending money in conflict with their values. When you align the way you spend and save with your values, you’ll have a purposeful life.

Barrett: What are the biggest mistakes you see couples make when it comes to money?

Bach: The first mistake is that when many couples decide to work on their finances together, they attempt to do a budget first. That is a guaranteed recipe for fighting. What I recommend instead…is to automate your financial life. Agree on how much to save automatically as a couple, how much to put into your 401(k) and other accounts. And then automatically put it there.Barrett: If you were to recommend one money resolution couples should make this year, what would it be? And why?

Bach: It never changes. The goal should always be a pay-yourself-first number. Ask: What percentage of our income will we pay ourselves first? I say at least 10% of gross income should go automatically into a retirement account. Then 5% into a security account [a savings account for emergencies or unexpected expenses] and 5% into a “dream” account [for goals].

Do that and you’ll have the money to do what you want in your life. If you can’t start there, you can start with a smaller percent and just keep increasing it. Wherever you’re at now, increase it by 2 percent this year.

Barrett: You introduce a new concept in this book: ROR, or return on retirement. Why is it important to think about that and not just about your ROI (or return on investment)?

Bach: Whatever it is that you are saving for, the key is to have a purpose for it. It’s not just a pie chart. It’s not just about a return. You need to know what that money is for.ROR is the idea that your money is here to serve a purpose—and that is to fulfill your values, dreams and purpose.

It’s important to look at your money beyond the rate of return… And this is not just for those who are about to retire. It could be someone in their 20s or 30s. The point is: How do I utilize my money to have my best life now, tomorrow and in the future?

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